Prostate Gland Disease Prevention
The prostate is a walnut-shaped organ that is part of the male reproductive system. It is found at the base of the bladder and controls the flow of urine and semen from the urethra. Two of the most common health problems affecting the prostate are non-cancerous enlargement and cancer.
Prevention: Cancer
Nutrition plays a role in reducing the possibility of getting prostate cancer. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating moderately, avoiding fatty foods and consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and soy or legumes, as well as vitamin D (which may require a supplement) is helpful. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation.
Prevention: Enlargment
While enlargement of the prostate, know as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), does not necessarily indicate cancer, prevention options are similarly related to diet. Not only is a high-fat diet a precursor to this problem, but evidence suggests that men who are overweight have a higher tendency to develop enlarged prostate. An "American Journal of Epidemiology" study indicates that taking aspirin daily may help prevent an enlarged prostate.
The primary factor that increases the likelihood of prostate disorders is one that cannot be prevented: aging. Men over the age of 50 are far more likely to develop cancer or an enlarged prostate, though research continues into its causes, cures and prevention. Still, an overall healthy lifestyle built on diet and exercise will decrease the risk of developing prostate problems.