How to Shrink Prostate Cancer Lesion
Shrinking Prostate Cancer Lesions
Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, is one treatment option. In most cases, radiation therapy involves irradiating the cancerous cells and tumors with high-energy external radiation such as gamma rays and X-rays. Such exposure often shrinks tumors and can prevent metastasis of the cancer. In some case in which the cancer is localized over a small region, radioactive seeds might be inserted to focus radiations on the malignant cells. This form of radiotherapy is known as brachytherapy.
Chemotherapy also can be used to treat and shrink prostate cancer. Chemotherapy involves giving the patient anti-cancer drugs either orally or intravenously to help reduce the size of the cancer and keep it from spreading.
Hormone therapy is another option for shrinking treat prostate cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, increased testosterone levels might support the uncontrolled multiplication of the cancerous cells. Doctors administer hormones to remove or prevent the production of testosterone as a way of shrinking the cancer.
Doctors are developing the use of immunotherapy, also known as biological therapy, which works to reinforce a patient's immune system. According to the Mayo Clinic, immunotherapy might become a widespread treatment for prostate cancer in the future.