How to Learn Prostate Cancer Symptoms
*Prostate Cancer Symptoms*
Some men will actually experience prostate cancer symptoms in the form of urinary problems, although only about 5% of men with the disease experience these at the beginning of the disease. Urinary difficulties include lack of force in stream flow, stopping and starting during urination, and also trouble urinating.
*Prostate Cancer Symptoms - More*
Routine screening tests for prostate cancer are the method by which most prostate cancer is detected. Some additional prostate cancer symptoms include blood in the semen or blood in the urine.
*Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Additional Symptoms*
As prostate cancer spreads, additional prostate cancer symptoms often occur. Swelling in the legs and discomfort in the pelvis are two signs. Additional symptoms include bone pain, fractures, and a compressed spine.
*Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Options*
Treatment options for prostate cancer do vary depending on progression of the disease and individual choices made. Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is one option, as well as chemotherapy. Extermal beam radiation therapy is also sometimes used as treatment for prostate cancer, as well as radioactive seed implants.
*Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Conclusion*
Surgery for prostate cancer is another option. Patients should discuss the different options for treatment with their doctor or doctors and come up with a solution that will be effective for them. Risk factors for prostate cancer include being over age 50, being black (although any race can develop prostate cancer), family history of prostate cancer, obesity and/or a diet high in fat, and testosterone levels that are higher than normal levels.