How to Survive Prostate Cancer
Surviving Prostate Cancer
Understand that the survival rate for prostate cancer is strongly correlated with the stage to which the cancer has progressed, with relatively minor cases having an extremely high survival rate (close to 100 percent for tumors that are still confined to the prostate gland). Therefore, the first step in surviving prostate cancer is to understand when you are at risk so that you can get tested regularly. According to Medline Plus, risk factors for prostate cancer increase with age; most people contracting the disease are older than 60. Additionally, occupations that involve exposure to hazardous chemicals carry a higher risk, including farming, painting, and work in tire factories. If any of these risk factors apply to you, have yourself screened yearly to increase your chances of surviving prostate cancer.
Open yourself to the possibility of relatively extreme procedures if you want to increase your odds of surviving prostate cancer. While some men might be reluctant to undergo a radical prostatectomy or receive hormone therapy due to the potential side effect of impotence, avoidance of these options can dramatically decrease your chances of survival. So, accept that you might have to make certain sacrifices in order to beat the disease, and don't prematurely foreclose on the possibility of proven and potentially helpful treatments just because of their side effects.
Follow a regular diet and exercise regimen to increase your chances of successfully overcoming prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, moderate-intensity exercise performed at least five days a week for 30 minutes at a stretch, coupled with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains that minimizes processed foods, alcohol and sugars, can help to tip the odds in your favor when it comes to battling cancer. So use every means at your disposal, even if this involves a radical change in your "normal" dietary habits and lifestyle.