Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese for Prostate Cancer
Include a mixture of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese in your diet each day.
German biochemist Johanna Budwig, Ph.D. became famous for her research on the benefits of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese combined. She discovered cancer was prevented and even cured when patients ate this particular combination.
Expert Insight
A 2009 study at the Department of Cell Biology of the Institute of Biology at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil showed flaxseed oil reduces prostate cancer growth. "Fatty acids are among the most important nutritional factors associated with the etiopathogenesis (cause and development) of prostate cancer."
The Las Mariposas Clinic in Malaga, Spain, treats cancer patients using Dr. Budwig's therapy, offering a full refund if a noticeable improvement isn't seen in 90 days.
Eat four ounces of cottage cheese mixed well, preferably with a blender, with 1.5 ounces of flaxseed oil each day.
Always use cottage cheese combined with flaxseed oil. A different protein can be harmful, causing an opposite effect.
Never eat sugar, animal fats, all salad oils, mayonnaise, meats, butter, margarine or perserved meats.
Keep flaxseed oil refrigerated---it becomes rancid very quickly.