Prostate Questions to Ask the Doctor
When a man is diagnosed with prostate problems, he needs basic information from his physician. What is the prostate gland and what is its function? What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate? What is PSA? What is a normal PSA range? What is free PSA and its normal range? Does a rising PSA mean cancer? What is involved with a rectal exam?
Prostate Cancer
Concerns about prostate cancer should be addressed to the urologist. What is prostate cancer and its risk factors? What causes prostate cancer? Where does prostate cancer spread? Will diet have an effect on controlling the cancer?
Questions regarding the screening process to detect cancer is of great concern to men with prostate issues. Why is a biopsy done and when might it be needed? What is the Gleason grade? Is the cancer localized or has it spread? How is the clinical stage of the cancer determined? What support groups are available?
There are many options for the management and treatment of prostate cancer that should be discussed with your doctor. What treatments are available and what are the side effects and benefits of each one? What factors should be considered in choosing a treatment option? How do I select a radiologist or surgeon? What is a radical prostatectomy and what are its risks? What is brachytherapy and its complications? What are external beam radiation and conformal external beam radiation and the risks? What is cryotherapy and its complications? What is entailed with hormone therapy? Is chemotherapy used for prostate cancer? What is watchful waiting and its risks? When am I considered cured?
Side Effects
All prostate cancer therapies lead to some level of side effects. You will want very clear information from your doctor on just what to expect. What urinary problems can radiation and prostatectomy cause? How can treatment affect bowel function? What sexual side effects can I expect? What can be done for erectile dysfunction? Will I be able to ejaculate? Will I be infertile? Why do some prostate cancers recur? What can be done about a rising PSA after treatment?
If the cancer becomes metastatic, the focus will change from cure to control of the cancer. Your physician should explain what can be done if the cancer has metastasized. What alternative or experimental therapies are available? What can be done to manage discomfort and pain?