Prostate Cancer Detection Methods
Digital Rectal Exam
This is a prostate cancer screening method. The doctor feels the prostate for irregularities in shape, size or texture. If any are found, other detection methods will be used.
Prostate-Specific Antigen Test
This test checks prostate-specific antigen levels in the blood. Abnormally high levels of this compound, which liquefies semen, in the blood indicates a problem with the prostate (which may or may not be cancer).
Transrectal Ultrasound
A probe is inserted through the rectum that emits sound waves that are used to capture images of the prostate. It can then be visually examined for abnormalities.
Prostate Biopsy
Definitive confirmation of prostate cancer is achieved with a biopsy of prostate gland tissue. This also allows doctors to get a sense of how far along and aggressive the cancer is.
Determining the Extent
If prostate cancer is detected, doctors will need to evaluate how far it has spread. A bone scan is used to see if the cancer has spread to any bone, and ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs may be used to look for cancer elsewhere. If scans show enlarged lymph nodes, they may be biopsied.