Prostate Cancer Treatment Choices
Watchful Waiting
Prostate cancer typically grows very slowly, causing some physicians to recommend "watchful waiting". This means that the cancer will be monitored but no actual treatments will be begun until the disease grows further.
Another option for the treatment of prostate cancer is surgical removal of the tumor. This treatment often is the only option for someone who wishes to be completely cancer-free, although it is not always possible.
Radiation therapy is another treatment option for prostate cancer. It uses high energy X-ray beams to kill cancerous cells and shrink the tumor.
Androgen Deprivation
Because the prostate cancer cells typically grow in response to hormones called androgens, another mode of treatment involves removing those hormones from the body. This can be done by removing the gland or by using specially designed drugs to block the hormones which produce androgens.
Cryosurgery is another method of treating prostate cancer in which the tumor is killed by freezing it. The tumor is frozen by injecting exceptionally cold gasses into the tumor.