Prostate Cancer Cures Using TheraSeed
What is TheraSeed?
TheraSeed is a radioactive source manufactured exclusively by Theragenics Corporation. TheraSeed is a sealed device about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. Enclosed in the titanium seed cover are two pellets of palladium-103 (Pd-103), the radioactive source and a lead marker to make the seed visible under x-ray and ultrasound. The seeds are titanium tubes with welded, concave end caps. The shape and design of TheraSeed give it a predictable radiation pattern and prevents the seed from moving after placement in the prostate gland.
Implant Procedures
TheraSeed is implanted using a long brachytherapy needle into which the seeds have been loaded. This is a minimally invasive procedure, unlike surgery. The needles are inserted into the prostate gland through the perineal area, the area between the anus and scrotum. Needle insertion is aided by the use of a guide template that helps assure proper seed placement. The positioning of the seed is verified using trans-rectal ultrasound. The physician places from 20 to over 100 seeds in and around the tumor. The pattern of seed placement is calculated to expose the cancer to high doses of radiation while having minimal impact upon surrounding, healthy tissue. This treatment is best for solid, localized tumors. Once implanted, the seeds stay in the body forever, even after the radioactivity has decayed.
Concerns Over Radioactivity
Everyone has some concern over having radioactive material implanted in the body. The palladium-103 in TheraSeed is a low-energy radioactive material that has a half-life of 17 days. That means that the energy of the seed is reduced by half every 17 days. The radioactivity is considered to be at background levels after 10 half-lives or 170 days. So in less than 6 months, the tumor is treated and there is no residual radioactivity. Additionally, because Pd-103 is a low-energy isotope, there will be minimal harm done to healthy tissue around the tumor.
Cure Rates
The cure rates with TheraSeed are equal to or greater than the success rates for surgery on solid, localized tumors, according to independent clinical tests. Additional information shows that 84.5 percent of treated patients remained cancer free 9 years after TheraSeed treatment.
Advantages Over Surgery
TheraSeed treatment (brachytherapy) has some significant advantages over radical prostatectomy using traditional or robotic surgical techniques. The risk of incontinence and impotence is much lower with TheraSeed implants. The incidence of erectile dysfunction also is recognizably lower. Another advantage of brachytherapy is that it only takes about 45 minutes and often can be performed as an outpatient procedure. Healing time after having seed implants is shorter than with traditional surgery. There is about 100 percent probability of freedom from long-term complications three years after treatment. (Peschel, et. al.)