The Best Prostrate Cancer Treatment
Surgical Options/Alternatives
The American Cancer Society reports that a prostatectomy is usually the best treatment for prostate cancer that hasn't spread. This surgery removes the entire prostate, thus eliminating the chance of a recurrence. When surgery isn't possible, cyrosurgery may be advisable instead. This alternative to surgery involves freezing the prostate gland instead of removing it. The short-term results are effective, but the long term prognosis is not as good as with a prostatectomy.
Chemotherapy is usually used only if the prostate cancer has spread beyond the prostate. At this point, chemotherapy may be the best solution because it helps destroy cancer cells and/or slow their growth. According to the American Cancer Society, two drugs in particular---docetxel and prednisone---have been shown to prolong longevity and improve quality of life when used in treatment.
External beam radiation and brachytherapy are both possible radiation therapies for prostate cancer. The therapies can either be curative (curing the cancer) or palliative (managing symptoms). Radiation may be administered alone or in conjunction with surgery. External beam radiation points electromagnetic rays at the body from the outside, delivering radiation. Brachytherapy implants rice-sized radioactive seeds directly in the prostate.