Prostate Cancer Stages
Two types of staging are used for prostate cancer. Clinical staging is the doctor's opinion of the extent of the disease based on a physical exam. Pathologic staging is based on the actual tissue examination. Both types use the same characterizations.
Stage I
During Stage I of prostate cancer, the cancer cells are only in the prostate. There may be no symptoms. The cancer cells are usually found during surgery for other issues.
Stage II
In Stage II, abnormalities can be felt during a rectal exam. The cancer cells have advanced, although they have not spread outside the prostate.
Stage III
During Stage III, the cancer is likely to be in tissues that surround the prostate. The cancer may have also spread to the seminal vesicles, which are near the bladder.
Stage IV
In Stage IV prostate cancer, cancer has spread from the prostate to lymph nodes or even distant organs in the body. It may have even spread to the bones at this point.