Prostate Brachytherapy Side Effects
Radiation Urethritis/Cystitis
Irritation to the urinary tract can cause urgency and frequency, which is usually limited to several weeks after treatment. If bacterial infections develop, this condition can persist longer.
Radiation Proctitis
Some men develop bowel problems either following treatment or months or even years later; symptoms can include rectal pain, diarrhea and perhaps fecal incontinence.
Some men may have small amounts of blood in their semen, a condition called hematospermia. The urethra and/or bladder may shed blood cells for years after treatment.
Urinary Strictures
The radiation may cause scarring in the urethra (a stricture), which reduces the urine stream, leading to frequent urination and possible bladder infections.
According to Sheldon Marks, studies at radiation prostate cancer treatment centers report varying levels of treatment-caused impotence running between 26 and 61 percent; the rate, according to Stephen Strum, may be even higher in those older than 70.
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