Life Expectancy for Prostate Cancer Patients
The American Cancer Society reports life expectancies as survival rates. A survival rate is a statistic that tells what percentage of men lived to a certain anniversary of their diagnosis. If a man passes away from something other than prostate cancer, he is removed from the statistical sample.
5 Year Survival Rate
Over 99 percent of men live to the fifth anniversary of their prostate cancer diagnosis.
10 Year Survival Rate
The 10-year survival rate for prostate cancer is 93 percent.
15 Year Survival Rate
At the fifteen year mark, the survival rate drops to 79 percent.
Though 1 in 6 men develop prostate cancer throughout their lives, only 1 in 35 men die from it. There are over 2 million survivors of prostate cancer living in the United States.
A man's particular life expectancy after a prostate cancer diagnosis depends on a number of factors--such as his age, the stage of the cancer, and his general health. An oncologist can provide an accurate, individualized prognosis.