Latest Treatments for Prostate Cancer
What is Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the uncontrolled growth and replication of malignant cells within the prostate gland. Prostate cancer typically consists of numerous small tumors within the prostate. The disease is categorized in stages, from one to four, depending on how far the cancer has spread. In stages one and two, the disease has not moved beyond the prostate. In stage three, it has migrated to surrounding tissues. Finally, in stage four, the disease has progressed to the lymph node system throughout the body.
The outward symptoms of prostate cancer focus on affecting the process of urination. These symptoms include difficulty urinating, frequently urinating, a weak or truncated flow of urine, burning or pain during urination or blood in the urine (or semen). Other symptoms are: pain while ejaculating or persistent pain localized in the hips or back.
If any of these symptoms occur or persist, consult a physician. Fortunately, when detected early, prostate cancer has a 90 percent recovery rate.
New Treatments
Of course, new treatments are always being tested to combat prostate cancer. One such treatment is cryosurgery, which involves freezing the abnormal tissue to eradicate the cancer cells. This is typically performed by using liquid carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen. Side effects include the possibility of impotence or uncontrolled bladder or stool emissions.
Another treatment being studied is biologic therapy. This consists of re-engineering the patient's immune system to recognize the cancer as a threat. Through the use of specially designed chemicals and treatments, the body's natural defense mechanisms can be enhanced.
Chemotherapy and Ultrasound
A familiar treatment, but one that is newly adopted for fighting prostate cancer, is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is performed by having the patient injected with poisonous drugs and chemicals with the intent that the cancer cells will be more damaged than the host body. Chemotherapy can be performed at a systemic (whole body) or regional (localized) area, depending on the spread of the disease.
Ultrasound waves are also being studied for use in fighting cancer. The treatment is administered through the probe inserted into the rectum, which then blasts the tumor(s) with high-frequency sound waves.
Of course, conventional methods such as surgery still exist for treating prostate cancer. While there are many effective ways to fight this disease, the most potent weapons now being used to fight cancer are time and energy. Through continued funding of medical research, one day cancer will be nothing more than something mentioned in passing during history lessons.