Prostate Cancer Freezing Treatments
Destroying prostate cancer cells using cryosurgery involves the insertion of several thin needles, typically four to eight, directly into the prostate gland cancer cells or tumor. Then argon gas is pumped into the prostate at minus 140 to minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit to create a ball of ice surrounding the cancerous cells and tissue to kill them.
Anesthesia is provided through localized numbing of the tissue surrounding the needle insertion area in the perineum. After anesthesia, the doctor uses ultrasound to locate the specific cancerous cells, tissue and tumors then inserts the needles. Ultrasound provides an image to the doctor of needle location, size and location of ice balls and monitoring of the cryosurgery procedure.
Recovery time after this one to two hour procedure is typically two to three days. Normally cryosurgery is conducted as an outpatient procedure; occasionally the patient is required to remain in the hospital overnight for observation.
Advantages for cryosurgery include that there are no incisions in the skin, only small holes from the needles. The recovery time for this treatment is faster than other treatment options and the side effects are not as severe. Most men undergoing the procedure recover from any bladder and bowel side effects quickly.
Additional benefits from this surgery include less risk of incontinence and rectal cancer. Unlike other prostate cancer treatments, this treatment option can be repeated as many times as necessary. Chances of recovering and surviving this cancer treatment are higher than other treatment options such as internal radiotherapy and radical surgery.
Scarring of the urethra, incontinence and impotence are common side effects of cryosurgery. For most men undergoing this treatment option, these problems go away after two to three weeks. Additional side effects which men may encounter include blood in the urine, lower pelvic pain, scrotal swelling and urgency to urinate.
Recurring prostate cancer typically requires selection of the cryosurgery procedure as an option, especially in men who have a life expectancy beyond eight years. This is the only treatment option that offers a chance of beating recurring prostate cancer.
In some cases, cryosurgery is the only option for men who have other health issues which increase the risk of surgery or radiotherapy. Additionally, this treatment option is for men who have a history of complications during or post-surgery and have already been treated for rectal or colon cancer.
Consulting the doctor and treatment team regarding the occurrence and severity side effects is critical post-cryosurgery recovery. Men must make the medical team aware of any changes in side effects as they occur, so they are provided with appropriate medicines and physical therapy to help shorten recovery time.