Prostate Cancer Complications
Spreading prostate cancer causes many more complications for a patient than pain, incontinence and impotence. When cancer spreads to other organs in the body, treatment becomes more aggressive using chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These treatments cause nausea and weak conditions for days after each treatment. Experiencing pain as a result of the cancer or as it spreads to bones and other areas can be controlled with over-the-counter or prescribed pain drugs. If severe pain is encountered and cannot be controlled through medications, then referral to a pain specialist is required. These specialists are trained in treatments and additional medications to control the complications of pain. Urinating problems is another complication that is typically controlled through pelvic floor muscle exercises called Kegel exercises. Severe incontinence typically requires surgery to correct this problem. Erectile dysfunction is a fourth complication. This occurs as a result of treating the side effects of spreading cancer, pain and incontinence. This problem is treated with drugs or surgery, depending on the severity of the complication.
Maintain a support network of family and friends to help cope with prostate cancer and complications that arise. Another important coping mechanism is to stick to a normal routine as much as possible. This helps to ensure the cancer does not control everyday interactions with family and work. Another reason is that preserving a normal routine continues a sense of being and quality of life. A proactive approach to controlling the disease means getting plenty of exercise and consuming a healthy diet. These two approaches aid the mental and physical aspects of coping with prostate cancer. They also support a positive view that a hands-on approach will help fight and win. Coping through counseling is another approach for dealing with the complications of prostate cancer. Sharing with a trusted family member or friend is beneficial to reducing mental complications. If there is no trusted individual available, seek the help of a certified counselor trained in hurdles related to prostate cancer.
Consulting with a doctor regarding changes in side effects is critical to a proactive approach in controlling prostate cancer complications. Although the side effects can be debilitating at times, when the doctor is fully aware of how these complications are affecting the body and mind, a viable treatment plan is possible. Being honest is the key to preventing unnecessary side effects.
Controlling complications associated with prostate cancer is not easy and at times might seem to be impossible. In most cases, the side effects are based on the stage of the cancer, treatment plan, pain threshold of patient and additional surgeries required for resolving complications. Prevention of severity of complications is predicated on working with the doctor to develop a treatment plan that does not compound existing side effects.
Detecting prostate cancer early is paramount to avoiding debilitating complications associated with prostate cancer. Seeking medical advice as soon as the first sign of symptoms means more aggressive treatment plans might not be necessary. Treatment during the early stages of prostate cancer decreases the number and severity of complications.