What Prevents Prostate Cancer?
Occurrence of prostate cancer is primarily in older men who have typically retired to a more leisurely lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing this cancer because of lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly decreases the risk of prostate cancer. Exercise is accomplished by walking on a regular basis, playing golf, or other activities.
Guidelines for specific nutritional prevention of this cancer do not exist. Nutritional advice focuses on eating a moderate amount at meals and not over eating. Limiting sweets and salt, along with an increase in the consumption of whole wheat and grain products is highly recommended. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of developing any type of cancer. The antioxidants and lycopene in these fruits and vegetables have been linked to lowering risk in cancer; however, there is no direct correlation to preventing prostate cancer. The primary advantage to eating fresh fruits and vegetables is that they sustain a recommended ideal body weight.
Linking a man's overweight or obesity problems to prostate cancer has not been directly confirmed by researchers in the prostate cancer field. Even though there is no direct link, findings by the American Cancer Society point to an increased susceptibility to cancer when a man is overweight or obese. Consuming vegetables containing phytoestrogens such as soybeans may prevent prostate cancer. Asian men consume more soy protein than non-Asian men and they have significantly lower rates of prostate cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. Also, men who consume green tea have lower incidences of prostate and other cancers. This is because green tea contains polyphenol antioxidants.
Development of a prostate cancer vaccine is in progress and not available as of 2009. This research is focusing on a vaccine designed to attack and destroy cancer cells in the prostate gland. Clinical trials are being conducted around the country and a prostate cancer specialist must be consulted prior to participation in any clinical trial.
Leading an active and proper nutritional lifestyle not only reduces the risk of prostate cancer, it also decreases the risk for all types of cancer. An active lifestyle also increases a man's quality of life and ability to participate any many activities such as sports, hiking, traveling, swimming and additional physically demanding events.
Prior to beginning an exercise program and dietary changes, it is highly recommended that the family doctor or other health care professionals are consulted for recommended actions. A sudden change diet or exercise routine could lead to additional health issues and side effects Careful monitoring should take place especially in the man is overweight, obese or normally leads a sedentary lifestyle.