How to Prevent Prostate Cancer From Spreading
Consume quercetin, lycopene and sulforaphane. These are substances that can help prevent prostate cancer from spreading. Other than supplement form, they can also be found in food. Tomato products like ketchup, sauce and stewed tomatoes are sources of lycopene; quercetin can be found in green tea, apples, red wine and onions. Sulforaphane can be found in broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. According to the Laborer's Health and Safety Fund of America, you should get 3 to 4 servings of these fruits and vegetables a day.
Take sodium clodronate. This is a bone loss prescription drug that has been cited by United Kingdom researchers to help prevent the spread of prostate cancer to the bones, one of the first sites that it usually spreads to. It is taken with water in the morning with the stomach empty.
Cut out the bad foods. The Harvard Medical School has done research on the effects of certain foods on prostate cancer. Eliminating foods that are either high in fat or contain high amounts of calcium such as dairy products, red meat and deep fried foods, can reduce prostate cancer.
Exercise. Exercise can help keep weight down and, according to the American Cancer Society, high levels of exercise can help lower the risk of advanced prostate cancer, especially in older men.
Boost your immunity. Taking certain vitamins and minerals can also help prevent the spread of prostate cancer. According to a study done by the Arizona Cancer Center, selenium and vitamin E are beneficial nutrients for the prostate. Both selenium and vitamin E can be found in supplement form and the recommendation is 200 mcg of selenium and 50 IU of vitamin E daily.
Eat soybeans. Soybeans contain a substance called genistein which, according to investigators at Northwestern University, has been linked to a decrease of metastasis of prostate cancer to the lungs.