Terminal Prostate Cancer Symptoms
One of the most frequent symptoms of terminal prostate cancer would involve a certain level of pain. This pain would manifest in the pelvis or upper thighs as well as the ribs and the back.
Weight Loss
Another common symptom of terminal prostate cancer would be a loss of weight. As the cancer advances, it will essentially feed on more calories than the body would normally, prompting weight loss.
Many times, a person with terminal prostate cancer will feel some amount of nausea. This nausea may also bring about vomiting, but may not be present in each individual.
Loss of Appetite
Since a person with terminal prostate cancer will usually feel nauseous or queasy, he will generally begin to lose his appetite. This particular symptom tends to exacerbate weight loss.
Typically, a person suffering with terminal prostate cancer will also experience a grouping of symptoms that involve urination. While these symptoms are not exclusive to terminal prostate cancer (it can also be seen in its earlier stages), an individual with this form of cancer will often experience some trouble urinating, less urine production and the presence of blood in the urine.
Most people with terminal prostate cancer will also begin to feel fatigue. This is almost a culmination of other symptoms as well as the cancer itself. Inevitably, it will begin to take a toll on the individual and spawn exhaustion or fatigue.