Prostate Cancer Warning Symptoms
Frequent Urination
A frequent urge to urinate is one of the warning signs of prostate cancer. The Prostate Cancer Foundation, or PCF, has found that this symptom is most common at night, as the prostate pushes against the bladder or urethra.
Other Problems With Urination
In addition to a frequent urge to urinate, men with prostate cancer typically have trouble starting the flow of urine, according to the PCF. The flow of urine may also be very weak, and you may experience pain while urinating.
Erection Difficulties
Prostate cancer may also affect your ability to start and maintain an erection.
Blood in the Urine
According to the Mayo Clinic, another common symptom of prostate cancer is blood in the urine, known as hematuria. Blood may also be present in the semen and may occur in conjunction with painful ejaculation.
Pain and Stiffness
Prostate cancer may also cause intense pain that radiates through the lower back. According to the National Institutes of Health, back pain that comes on very quickly should be checked by a doctor. It may be a warning symptom of aggressive prostate cancer.