How to Help a Husband Through Prostate Cancer
Learn as much as you can about prostate cancer. You'll only be able to truly help and support your husband if you understand all the aspects of the disease.
Know that there are usually no symptoms in the early stages of prostate cancer. As it progresses, patients experience the frequent urge to urinate, pain or burning during urination or blood in their urine.
Be there with your husband at the doctor appointments. Since it's as important that you know what's happening as your husband, you should ask the doctor questions.
Find out what the treatments options. Follow the treatment plan as closely as possible.
Work as a team. It's important to communicate and support each other during prostate cancer. Talk about your concerns to your husband and show you care.
Seek outside help from support groups and family members. Studies show prostate cancer has a tremendous emotional affect; but there aren't many resources to cope with that. Between sexual dysfunction, anxiety and distress it can take a toll. Talk to someone to help your relationship stay strong.
Understand that feeling helpless is natural. You're faced with a disease that you can't fix instantly. The best way you can help is to hold and listen to your husband. Make him feel loved and supported.