How to Cope With a Terminal Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Things You'll Need
- Support group
- Computer with Internet access
- Oncologist
- Mental health professional
Seek a second opinion. Prostate cancer cases usually have a better prognosis than other forms of cancer, and another doctor may be of the opinion that your case is not terminal. This is especially true if you do not fit the profile associated with at-risk individuals.
Try your best to accept the facts. This step will take a great deal of time, effort and support, but bear in mind how difficult lingering in denial is on your loved ones, who are also struggling to cope.
Join a support group. You're not alone. The vast majority of hospital networks have access to groups who are trying to cope with terminal diagnoses together. Remember that there's strength in numbers.
Resolve any lingering life issues. Repair any important damaged relationships in your life, and make sure to take the opportunity to make your loved ones understand how you feel about them while you still have the chance.
Make your feelings known. Prepare a will, if you haven't already, and make sure to express any preferences you have about your final arrangements.
Let it out. Don't struggle to keep everything inside. A terminal diagnosis is likely the most difficult thing you've ever faced, and it's okay to express an entire range of feelings to friends, relatives and loved ones.
Find strength through religion or spirituality. Your priest or minister will be glad to spend time talking with you about the situation you're facing, and he or she can help you reach closure and acceptance in your life.
Stop to smell the flowers. Many terminal patients find comfort through their new appreciation of the little things in life. You can, too, as you face this difficult stage in life.
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