Prevention of Radiation Skin Burns
Curcumin in Turmeric
Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric, an Indian spice often found in curries and other traditional Indian dishes. According to BBC News, curcumin taken after a single dose of radiation can help eliminate some of the burns and blistering associated with radiation treatment. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is useful in preventing these burns. Those undergoing radiation should check with a physician before taking the recommended 500 to 2000 mg daily. Curcumin is non-toxic up to 8000 mg daily; most manufacturers suggest taking one 500 mg capsule up to four times daily with meals.
According to a study led by Italy's National Research Council, women who drank wine on days of radiation treatment for breast cancer had lower rates of toxicity than those who did not. 13.6 percent of those drinking one glass of wine experienced skin toxicity, compared to 38.4 percent among those who didn't drink. Radiation-induced skin toxicity includes burning and blistering. After checking with a physician first, take one glass of wine before undergoing radiation treatment.
LED Lights
According to WISTV, radiation treatment can damage healthy skin cells in the cancer treatment area, which can lead to painful skin burns and skin texture changes. To protect and heal the skin in patients undergoing therapy, low-intensity LED lights are being used. Hundreds of low-intensity lights arranged in one optical unit have been found to trigger injured skin cells to heal themselves. LED lights are useful because they provide the extra energy injured skin needs to recover. Patients interested in seeking LED treatment should seek assistance from physicians, centers for cancer treatment and representatives from companies specializing in light therapies.
Some radiation patients have found success using powerful sunblock before undergoing radiation. For the best results, those in radiation treatment should look for sunblocks that are specially formulated for radiation.