Side Effects of Radiation Cancer
Side effects from radiation
Organs Affected by Radiation
Ionizing radiation causes cancer on many of your organs. The most sensitive parts of the body to radiation is the thyroid gland and bone marrow, according to the American Cancer Society. The least affected are the kidneys, bladder and ovaries. Colon cancer is also linked to radiation.
Lung Cancer
Small-cell lung cancer is more prevalent for miners in uranium mines. For those who went through an atomic blast, the percentage of developing lung cancer is 50 percent higher, as stated by the American Cancer Society.
Radiation Therapy Cancer
If you have radiation on a part of your body, your chances of secondary primary tumors are increased in that part of your body. Two such cancers are thyroid and early-onset breast cancer.
Treating Hodgkin Disease
The treatment for Hodgkin disease is low doses of radiation. This is applied to many parts of your body. People who received this treatment were put at a higher risk of secondary primary tumors developing.
Several hereditary cancers like retinoblastoma cause you to be at a higher risk of developing osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. People with the skin cancer nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, are put at higher risk for basal cell cancers, per Science Daily.