Radiotherapy Side Effects
Radiotherapy itself is a painless treatment that can produce painful side effects. The lower the dose of radiation therapy, the fewer side effects usually occur. A higher dose of radiation leaves the patient liable to more side effects.-
Fatigue or tiredness that is not cured by rest can be caused by a lowering of the red blood cell count during radiotherapy.
Skin Damage
Skin damage in radiation treatments recently has been greatly reduced by the technique of delivering the dosage beneath the skin. Usually skin damage occurs in three to four weeks with dry, peeling skin on the treated areas.
Brain Function
Radiation treatments affecting the head can cause changes in brain function. These altered brain functions include memory loss, lowered sexual desire and an intolerance to cold weather.
Radiation therapy treatments to the chest can cause side effects to the lungs. One condition affecting the lungs is the loss of a substance called surfactant that helps keep the air passages open.
Radiation treatments to the chest and abdomen can cause swelling and inflammation to the esophagus, stomach and intestine.
Radiation therapy to the testicles can result in a permanent loss of sperm production. In females, radiation affecting both ovaries can result in early menopause and infertility.