CyberKnife Complications
Complications are Rare
Most patients experience only mild side effects, if any, after CyberKnife treatment. Some patients experience mild side effects that are not the result of the radiation but are caused by other factors; for example, the face mesh mask worn during the operation. More serious complications are extremely rare.
Most Common Side Effects
The most commonly reported side effects are mild nausea and fatigue. Some patients may experience headaches. These side effects are rarely the result of the radiation, and are often caused by nerves and lack of sleep. These symptoms are temporary.
Hair Loss or Skin Burns
Unlike some other radiation treatment options, the CyberKnife procedure will not result in permanent hair loss or skin burns. In some instances if the tumor is very close to the skin or hair, the associated patch of skin or hair may be affected. However, the radiation delivered by the CyberKnife is not powerful enough to permanently damage skin or hair follicles, and the affected area will recover over time.
Operation Specific Side Effects
As the CyberKnife can be used to treat a large variety of tumors anywhere in the body, there may be possible side effects related to the treatment of a particular tumor. For example, temporary hair damage may result from the treatment of a tumor close to the scalp. Your doctor can explain any side effects related to your particular operation.
Other Possible Side Effects
In some rare instances, the face mesh mask worn during the procedure can cause temporary reddening of the skin. In extremely rare cases, CyberKnife treatment can cause hearing loss or vision loss. These are only risks for treating certain tumors; in most cases, there is no risk of hearing or vision loss. Your doctor can tell you if you are at risk of hearing of vision loss from a CyberKnife procedure.