The Dangers of High Tensile Power Lines

A number of dangers exist related to high tensile power lines. The majority of these dangers are related to cancer. Epidemiological studies show that exposure to static electricity and electromagnetic fields emitted by high power lines are putting neighborhoods and farms at risk. Specific dangers of high tensile power lines include adult onset cancer, childhood leukemia and cancer in animals.
  1. Adult Onset Cancer

    • Many high power lines overhang neighborhoods.

      Adult onset cancer is a critical concern in the medical community. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and static electricity are indiscriminate in the transmission of radiation, and adults are affected the same as animals or children. According to, epidemiological case studies have found static electricity in particular, "interferes with the nervous system and the bio-chemical life process of the human organism" often resulting in cancer.

    Childhood Leukemia

    • High tension lines are designed to hang high off the ground.

      Childhood leukemia is an especial danger when it comes to high tensile power lines. Because of their developmental nature, children are more at risk to leukemia than adults. Some studies have even shown an increased risk of brain cancer. "Although the research does not prove cause and effect," states, it does show "an unmistakable correlation between the degree of exposure and the risk of childhood leukemia."

    Animal Cancer

    • Never touch high tensile power lines.

      Studies have found EMFs and static electricity are a dangerous contribution to livestock and other animals. Research has found a correlation between farms placed under high tensile power lines and animal disease. According to a study relayed on, "hens started to lay 'scrambled' eggs" on a farm found in close proximity to high tension lines.

    Data Has Varied Results

    • Preschools and child care centers located near power lines can cause a stir.

      Dangers of high tensile power lines strongly point to the causation of cancer although some studies say the evidence remains weak. According to, while eerie correlations between EMFs and cancer are evident, "no plausible biological mechanism" in their scientific research, "is presented that would explain causality." Because of this, difficulties remain in determining what to do about the challenges posed by overexposure to EMFs and static electricity--a danger in itself.

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