What regulates the energy of x-ray beam?
1. X-ray Tube Voltage: The voltage applied to the X-ray tube, also known as the kilovoltage (kV), significantly influences the energy of the X-ray beam. Higher voltage leads to higher energy X-rays. As the voltage increases, the electrons accelerated within the X-ray tube gain more energy and, consequently, produce X-rays with higher energy.
2. Target Material: The target material used in the X-ray tube also affects the energy of the X-ray beam. Different target materials emit characteristic X-rays of specific energies when struck by the accelerated electrons. The atomic number of the target material plays a crucial role in determining the energy of the characteristic X-rays emitted.
3. X-ray Filtration: X-ray beams produced in an X-ray tube contain a wide range of energies. X-ray filtration involves passing the X-ray beam through materials that selectively absorb lower energy X-rays. This process removes unwanted low energy photons and results in a more uniform X-ray beam with a higher average energy.
4. Collimation: Collimation refers to the process of shaping and directing the X-ray beam. Collimators are used to control the size, shape, and location of the X-ray beam. By limiting the beam's dimensions and eliminating unnecessary scattered radiation, collimation helps improve image quality and reduce unnecessary exposure to the patient.
By controlling these factors, radiographers and medical physicists can regulate the energy of an X-ray beam to optimize image quality, minimize unnecessary radiation exposure to the patient and achieve the desired diagnostic or therapeutic outcomes.