How to Deal With Radiation Treatment Side Effects

Radiation therapy is a common treatment that uses high energy particles to reduce the size of cancerous cells in a specific area of the body. Radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments, such as chemotherapy or surgery, to treat the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells known as cancer.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
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  1. Learn to Deal with the Side Effects of Radiation Treatment

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      Ask your doctor about the common side effects of radiation therapy, such as fatigue, skin irritation and fever or chills.

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      Check with your doctor to find out about the side effects for the specific area you're having treated by radiation therapy. Keep in mind that the most common areas include the head and neck, stomach, chest, pelvis and the brain.

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      Talk to your doctor or look online for clinical trials at the National Cancer Institute (see Resources below). Ask you doctor about trials involving new methods for delivering radiation to the body and medications that protect healthy cells during the radiation process.

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      Make an appointment with your dentist before you receive your first radiation treatment to the neck or head area. Keep in mind, radiation to the head or neck may affect the overall health of your teeth. Be sure to schedule regular follow-up visits with your dentist once your radiation treatment is completed.

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      Call your doctor immediately if you experience swelling, vomiting, bleeding or trouble swallowing.

    Cope with Common Side Effects

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      Plan to take short naps throughout the day to deal with fatigue.

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      Work with your doctor to develop a light exercise program to build up your stamina and reduce overall fatigue.

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      Get checked for anemia if you're experiencing extended periods of fatigue. Consult with your doctor about medication that helps to build up red blood cells.

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      Prevent additional skin irritation by staying out of the sun as much as possible and by avoiding products that contain perfumes, dyes or alcohol.

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      Consider changing your eating habits if you have radiation treatment to the chest or stomach area. Cut out spicy foods or foods high in fiber.

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