Treatment for Amelanotic Melanoma
In Situ Melanoma
In situ amelanotic melanomas (Stage 0) are usually treated through removal of the lesion and skin in the surrounding area, according to
Stages I and II
Stage I and II melanomas are surgically removed and more surrounding tissue must also be removed, according to Chemotherapy may be necessary after surgery.
Stage III
Surgical removal is necessary for Stage III melanomas, and so much tissue is removed that skin grafting may be needed, states Surgery may be followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Stage IV
Stage IV amelanotic melanomas have already metastasized to other parts of the body. The melanoma may be removed to treat pain, with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to follow.
Amelanotic melanomas are difficult to detect due to their lack of pigment. People should see their doctor if they notice any unexplained lesions on the body.