How to Recognize Signs of Skin Cancer
"A" Is for "Asymmetry"
When you examine each mole on your body, look for asymmetry. "Draw" an imaginary line through the center of the mole to see if the sides match. Common moles are fairly symmetrical, but skin cancer spots generally have sides that don't appear the same. Not all asymmetrical moles lead to skin cancer, but examining them on a frequent basis is a good first step in identifying trouble areas.
"B" Is for "Border"
Inspect the borders of each mole or dark spot closely. Common moles have a clear, smooth border between the darkened mole and lighter skin. The borders of an early melanoma are often uneven, with an unclear distinction between healthy skin and the darkened area. The edges of the mole may look notched, uneven or feathered.
"C" Is for "Color"
The coloration of common moles differs when compared to a developing melanoma. Common moles appear in a range of color, from light tan to dark brown, but they are generally uniform; in other words, common moles are all one color. If you spot a mole with several different colors within it, it could be a sign of melanoma. Look for several different shades of brown, tan and black in a single darkened area. Sometimes, a melanoma may even include blue, red or white.
"D" Is for "Diameter"
Measure the diameter of moles or dark patches. Diameter is the total distance across the mole. While common moles can be large, most are smaller than 6 millimeters, or 1/4 inch. Look for early melanoma to grow fairly rapidly from a small patch to exceed 1/4 inch in diameter. A good rule of thumb is to compare the mole to a pencil eraser; if the mole is growing and eventually exceeds 1/4 inch, make an appointment to see your doctor for further evaluation.
Additional Determiners
In addition to watching your moles or any growths that begin to grow or change significantly in any way, also look for lesions that "change, itch, bleed," reports the Skin Cancer Foundation.