What Is a Hemangioma Tumor?
Hemangioma removal may be done by a doctor.
Hemangioma tumors occur when a large amount of blood vessels come together to form what normally looks like as a red or fleshy colored blotch on the skin. They can be found throughout the body but are more prone to be found near the head or neck area.
"Stork bites" are flesh-colored or pink hemangiomas and are found almost always near the eyes, forehead or neck region. Port wine stains are darker hemangiomas which look deep red or even purple in color. Strawberry birth marks are hemangiomas formed from capillaries which may start out unnoticeable but grow over time.
Stork bites are usually found on Caucasian individuals. The light pink color makes it seem transient, and it usually disappears in time. Port wine stains may be a sign to worry if they are located near the trigeminal nerve, which is located near the forehead and the cheekbone around the eye. A port stain in this area may mean some kind of malformation in the brain. Strawberry hemangiomas are red and usually appear in a baby at nine months. The growth will then start shrinking in size until finally only a flat, flesh colored birthmark remains.
There is no treatment necessary for stork bites or strawberry birthmarks as they usually fade on their own. Individuals with port wine stains located near the trigeminal nerve will have to undergo neurolgical testing, CT scans, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to ensure there is no brain deformation. Location near this nerve may mean a diagnosis of Sturge-Weber syndrome, which causes seizures and muscle weakness. Laser therapy can help lighten the port wine stain or a dematologist can remove it surgically. Medications for seizures and muscle weakness can be given as treatment.
Hemangiomas are normally soft. A hard or rubbery feel to the tumor should cause alarm as it may be another type of tumor. Biopsy of the area may be necessary to rule out other types of tumors.