Diseases Caused by Tanning Beds
Skin Cancer
Although an estimated 1,000 deaths were reported in 2009 by the National Cancer Institute, more than 1 million new cases of skin cancer developed in 2009. Indoor tanning salons use high-intensity ultraviolet rays to tan your skin. This exposure fights your skin's ability to repair this damage, which causes a tanning effect. Cancer is created when the DNA of your skin cells is damaged. When these damaged cells multiply, they form tumors that are patches of cancerous skin cells. At the extreme, skin cancer can cause death. Most cases do not end in death and can be treated by removing the abnormal growths.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from one person using the same tanning bed to another person. Tanning salons are required to disinfect their tanning beds in between each tanning session. Cleaning the bed with disinfectant clears the bed from any bacteria being passed from one person to another and kills any bacteria that could be growing in the bed. If you are unsure of your tanning salons cleaning procedures make sure you ask. Although the chances of contracting a STD is small, it is possible with improper cleaning.
Although it has been suggested that AIDS can be transmitted from one person to another through a tanning bed, it is nearly impossible for this to happen. Bodily fluids would have to pass from one tanning bed client to another. Make sure you check with the tanning salon on their policy with disinfecting each bed. If they say they clean them, ask them if they use a disinfectant that kills bacteria. They should be able to answer these questions before you feel comfortable tanning in their salon for your safety.
Eye Damage
To avoid permanent damage to your eyes wear eye goggles for each tanning session. Not using eye protection you have a greater chance of developing forms of cataracts or skin cancer around your eyes or eyelids. These cancers commonly occur because your eyes are not used to sun exposure.
Educate yourself on tanning beds before you decide to tan long-term. Read the tanning salon's policy. Make sure it disinfects its beds, and always wear eye protection. If you tan on a regular basis, make sure you visit your dermatologist once a year for a skin examine. The doctor will check your body for abnormal growths to protect you from developing skin cancer.