Is brown drainage from nipple a sign of cancer?
1. Hormonal imbalances: Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause can cause brown nipple discharge.
2. Certain medications: Some medications, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and oral contraceptives, can lead to brown nipple discharge.
3. Noncancerous breast tumors: Benign breast tumors, such as fibroadenomas or papillomas, can sometimes cause brown nipple discharge.
4. Infection: Mastitis, an infection of the breast tissue, can sometimes lead to brown nipple discharge.
It is important to consult with a doctor if you experience brown nipple discharge, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as breast pain, lumps, or changes in breast skin. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the discharge and recommend appropriate treatment if necessary.