Are Black Lights Harmful?
What Is Black Light?
Black light belongs to a type of radiation called UVA, or ultraviolet A. This type of light is sometimes called "the tanning ray," because it causes your skin to tan. Artificial UVA lights are also found in tanning beds.
Radiation Types
Dermatologists generally say that UVA radiation is safer than UVB radiation, the type of light that causes sunburns. UVB light is stronger and can alter cellular DNA. However, UVA light penetrates the skin deeper.
The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology urges caution with UVA and UVB lights. According to the AOCD, UVA lights can cause premature aging, including wrinkling, brown spots and skin cancer. To prevent cancer and other harmful UVA side effects, cover up in the prolonged presence of black lights. But don't worry about spending a few hours under black lights at a party or a show -- according to the AOCD, UVA radiation is less likely to cause cancer than lying out in the sun.