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Danger of PABA

Para-amino-benzoic acid, more commonly known as PABA, is a sun screen agent that is now shown to promote cancer in users. It functions by reflecting the ultra-violet rays of the sun and converting the energy from sunlight to heat. PABA has also been used as an oral supplement to help treat constipation, gastrointestinal disorders and to help reduce the symptoms of vitiligo, which is a loss of pigment in random spots on the skin.
  1. Skin Damage from PABA Use

    • Because PABA reflects ultraviolet rays, it has been widely used for mass-produced sunscreen. However, in recent years it has been documented that PABA damages the skin because of its reflective agents. Although rays are reflected, the light is converted to heat, effectively searing the newly formed layers of skin. Unlike an organic particulate sunscreen that absorbs the rays, searing of the skin is unique to the PABA-based sunscreen because of its reflective properties. According to Pubmed.gov, organic particulate sunscreen absorbs 90 percent of the ultraviolet rays resulting in healthy, unburnt skin.

    Skin Cancer from PABA Use

    • PABA used directly on the skin contributes to releasing more oxygenated free radicals which are proven to aid in the development of cancer. According to natural-health-information-centre.com, PABA based sunscreens damage DNA, increasing the risk of sun related skin cancers. Lastly, PABA based sunscreens only protect against carcinoma, leaving unknowing users vulnerable to melanoma, another form of skin cancer that can be fatal.

    Dangers of Oral Use of PABA

    • Oral doses of PABA are used beneficially for a variety of reasons including darkening gray hair in the elderly, helping to increase fertility in women and to increase the pigment of people suffering from vitiligo. However, according to vitaminstuff.com, many side effects are reported from oral consumption of PABA in doses of more than 1 gram such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever and diarrhea. If a person overdoses they can go into a coma, or in the worst cases, die.

    Liver Damage from Use of PABA

    • While most side effects of taking PABA orally will subside after discontinued use, taking large amounts of PABA to supplement your diet can cause long lasting and irreparable damage to the human body. According to vitamins-supplements.org, when taking PABA as a supplement in quantities of 8 grams or more daily, it can cause abnormalities in liver function that can ultimately lead to liver failure..

    Allergic Reactions to PABA

    • Allergic reactions to PABA are relatively rare, although a reaction can be dangerous. The most common mild reactions to the supplement are rash, swelling, itchiness and redness which are all standard allergic reactions. However, some patients using PABA have reported crippling dizziness as well as respiratory issues including a constricting feeling of both the lungs and the throat.

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