What does brown spotting mean?
Spotting is defined as bleeding, or passing blood-stained mucus from the vagina in small amounts. It is typically lighter than a menstrual period and may last for a few days or even a few weeks.
Spotting during pregnancy is common, especially in the first 12 weeks.
Causes of spotting during pregnancy
Implantation bleeding: This is the most common cause of spotting in early pregnancy. It happens when the fertilised egg implants in the lining of the uterus. It typically occurs 10-14 days after conception and can last for a few days. It is generally light in color and may be accompanied by mild cramps.
Hormonal changes: Rising levels of hormones during pregnancy can cause changes in the cervix, making it more sensitive and prone to bleeding. Spotting may occur as a result of these hormonal changes. It is usually light and irregular.
Sex during pregnancy: Sex during pregnancy can sometimes cause spotting. This is typically due to the increased blood flow to the cervix and vagina, which can make them more sensitive and prone to bleeding. Spotting after sex is usually light and resolves on its own.
Other causes: In some cases, spotting during pregnancy may be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as:
- Ectopic pregnancy: This occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. It can cause spotting, pain, and other symptoms.
- Miscarriage: Spotting or bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as cramping, abdominal pain, or loss of pregnancy symptoms.
- Placental abruption: This condition occurs when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus before delivery. It can cause bleeding, abdominal pain, and other symptoms.
When to be concerned about spotting during pregnancy
Spotting during pregnancy is not always a cause for concern, especially in the first trimester. However, it is important to see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms along with spotting:
- Heavy bleeding
- Cramping or abdominal pain
- Fever
- Chills
- Headache
- Dizziness or fainting
- Loss of pregnancy symptoms
Your doctor can evaluate the cause of the spotting and determine if any treatment is necessary.