Skin Cancer Warning Signs
These appear most commonly on sun-exposed skin like the face and hands. They are generally reddened areas that present as scaling skin, which sometimes burn to touch.
Moles or Freckles
If you have any moles or freckles that begin to change in shape, color or size, you should contact your doctor. Natural moles or beauty marks will stay consistently brown in color and their shape will be either round or oval.
Development of Large Moles
Any larger moles that have an irregular pattern or border or have an uneven color, such as different shades of brown or sometimes a light pink color, should be examined promptly.
New Spots
Any new spots that appear on your body, which differ in appearance from other spots you may have, may be an indication of skin cancer. In addition, if you have a sore that doesn't heal, this can be a sign of cancer.
Dark Lesions
These appear most commonly on areas such as the palms, soles and fingertips. They may also appear on mucous membranes which line the nose and mouth.