Carcinoma Cure
Surgery is one of the common treatment methods used to treat patients suffering from various forms of carcinoma. The extent of the surgery differs from patient to patient depending on the extent of the cancer. In the most common treatment technique, the damaged cells or tissue are surgically removed from the patient's body along with some of surrounding healthy tissue. However, in certain serious cases, a special form of surgery known as Mohs' surgery is performed. In this method, the cancerous cells or tissues are removed layer by layer until no further cancerous cells are left behind inside the patient's body.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is another commonly administered treatment, used to cure patients of carcinoma especially near the eyelids, ears or near the lips. In this form of treatment, the cancerous tissues are exposed to high-power, high-energy light radiation. Such exposure often results in diminishing the volume and size of the malignant cells and also eventually leads to their demise, averting potential spreading of the cancer to other organs.
Freezing, also called cryosurgery, is a treatment form often used on patients with carcinoma. In this treatment form, the cancerous cells are removed from the patient's body after freezing them using liquid nitrogen. This form of treatment is most often used to cure patients who have multiple cancerous tumors in their body.
Creams and Ointments
Doctors often recommend certain creams and ointments such as Velban or Pacitaxel, among others. These often help to destroy cancer cells by preventing their proliferation by cutting off their blood supply.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a relatively new form of treatment in which laser radiation is used to vaporize the cancer cells. This form of treatment is generally used to treat superficial forms of carcinoma, especially near the lips.