Symptoms of Skin Cancer on Hands
Melanoma is by far the most severe of skin cancer types and is known for quickly spreading throughout the body. It can turn a mole you already have into a cancerous one or can develop on its own. The common symptoms include a mole that changes at some point in shape, size or color; a mole that bleeds; a lesion that has blue, black, white or red spots about its border or a dark lesion that shows up on your palm.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Skin cancer can also take the form of basal cell carcinoma. This type is very common and fairly easy to treat. It doesn't often spread. Its most common form is a flat lesion or a wax-like bump. In either case, these cancers are easily removed and often do not reoccur.
Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma
Sebaceous gland carcinoma is another type of skin cancer. It is very aggressive and takes root in the oil glands, often spreading fast from there to other parts of the body, including organs. Colorless nodules are the most common symptom of this skin cancer type and can show up anywhere on the body.
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
A rare type of skin cancer is called merkel cell carcinoma. This type shows up as very shiny nodules rooted in hair follicles. These nodules are often either pink, blue or red and can get as big as two inches across. It spreads very quickly making quick diagnosis and treatment vital.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Another type of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. This type shows up as a very firm nodule with red coloring or a flat, scaly lesion. While it spreads a bit easier than basal cell carcinoma, it is still fairly easy to treat and to prevent from spreading to other parts of the body.
Kaposi Sarcoma
Kaposi sarcoma is another rare type of skin cancer that actually begins in the blood vessels of the skin. This causes purplish areas to develop on the skin or even in the mucus membranes. It typically appears in people with suppressed immune systems and can be difficult to treat.