What Are the Causes of Skin Disease?
UV Exposure
The leading cause of skin cancer is regular exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. These rays can damage the skin's immune system, causing the development of pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions. Outdoor activities can expose the skin to harmful rays, which is why physicians always recommend sunscreen. UV exposure isn't always from a natural source, however. Tanning beds are equally dangerous and should be used sparingly, if at all.
It doesn't always take long-term UV exposure to cause skin cancer. Just a few sunburns in a person's life can lead to cancerous skin developments. According to Steven Q. Wang, MD, of New Jersey's Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, these burns could occur in childhood and not become a problem until decades later. This doesn't excuse adults from protection, however, as skin cancer can develop at any time.
Immune Problems
Immunosuppression is when a body's immune system is adversely affected, either by disease or other factors. People with immune problems are more susceptible to becoming sick and developing cancers. Skin cancer becomes a higher risk for those being treated for HIV/AIDS, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of cancer. Although it is always important to wear sunscreen or limit exposure to radiation, those with immune problems should be especially mindful about preventing skin cancer.
Exposure to the radiation from medical X-rays can increase the chances of developing skin cancer. This happens because the cells are damaged from X-rays, making them more likely to grow cancerous lesions. The occasional X-ray carries very minimal risk, however. Those who receive multiple X-rays, particularly high-powered ones like a CT scan, will be at higher risk.
Chemical Exposure
Exposure to certain chemicals can cause the development of skin cancer. Fortunately, most of these dangerous chemicals are not found in everyday environments. Those with occupational exposure to arsenic, coal, tar, paraffin, creosote or radium should be aware of the dangers. Certain medications can also lead to an increased risk of skin cancer, so it is important to research every medication's effect on the body.
Those with a history of skin cancer in the family may be more likely to develop pre-cancerous and cancerous skin lesions. Statistically, those with fair skin and freckles are usually more susceptible to this hereditary condition. However, skin cancer is most likely to be caused by environmental factors. According to a study from the National Human Genome Research Institute, only about 10 percent of skin cancer cases were the result of heredity.