| | Cancer | Skin Cancer
Signs of Skin Cancer on the Face
Repeated Bleeding
Areas of the face that repeatedly bleed, such as moles or red areas, could indicate the presence of facial skin cancer.
Large Moles
Any mole on the face that is as large, or larger, than the end of a pencil eraser could potentially turn cancerous. Many doctors remove large moles as a preventative measure.
Oozing Areas
Areas of the facial skin or moles on the face that ooze fluid can be cancerous. These areas can crust over repeatedly.
Scalloped-Edged Moles
Facial moles that have irregular edges can become cancerous over time. Many doctors remove scalloped-edges moles.
Multi-Colored Moles
Cancerous cells can cause a normal facial mole to become speckles or spotted. Tell your doctor if you notice any color changes in your facial moles.