Causes of Skin Cancer
Ultraviolet Light
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the most common cause of skin cancer. This is most frequently seen in people with high levels of exposure to sunlight and overuse of tanning beds. People who experience frequent sunburns are also highly susceptible.
Immune System Problems
People who suffer from immunosuppression-impairment such as HIV and AIDS can develop skin cancer. This can be caused directly from a disease or from a foreign infection such as a virus or bacteria. It can also come from the use of drugs designed to fight the disease.
Prolonged exposure to X-rays can result in skin cancer as well. Usually individuals suffering from this condition also develop other types of cancer in those areas that have been exposed to X-rays.
Prolonged exposure to arsenic, pesticides and certain cleaning products can cause skin cancer. This is commonly seen in miners, farmers and people who work with livestock.
Prolonged exposure to hydrocarbons can have highly negative effects on the skin and increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer. Tar, soot, and petroleum such as oil and gasoline are some of the most dangerous elements to the skin. This type of skin cancer is generally known as squamous cell carcinoma.