Late Stage Skin Cancer Symptoms
In late stage skin cancer, a person will commonly experience some bleeding from a lesion or mole linked to the cancer.
Many times, a person with late stage skin cancer will also experience some level of pain or discomfort from this same lesion or mole. However, this pain doesn't have to be connected to any bleeding.
Some swelling in the lymph nodes is another symptom. This swelling can take place in any area of the body containing lymph nodes, but will usually occur in either the groin or underarm.
Weight Loss
As with most types of cancer, late stage skin cancer will often prompt a person to suffer from weight loss. This is mostly due to the cancer cells using up more calories than healthy cells.
Changes in the Skin
Some people who are living with late stage skin cancer may begin to notice that the area affected with the abnormal cells has become thicker than the rest of his skin.
Other Symptoms
A person with late stage skin cancer may suffer from moderate-to-severe headaches, bouts of coughing and seizures.