About Creams to Prevent Skin Cancer
Among the most studies topical agents is basic sunscreen. Skin cancer occurs most on sun-exposed parts of the body such as the face, hands, back of the neck and shoulders. Sunburns are thought to increase the risk of skin cancer. Use a sunscreen a part of your daily routine and reapply frequently when engaging in outdoor activities, even in cloudy weather.
The tumeric spice, Curcuma longa, is used to prepare facial oils by Asian women. Tumeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that has numerous immune-enhancing and anti-cancer properties. You can make your own oil by simply soaking ground tumeric powder in olive oil for several weeks and then pressing out, or look for products containing tumeric in health food and herb shops.
Ester C
Ester C is a form of Vitamin C able to be absorbed into the skin. Vitamin C in the skin helps prevent the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation and can help protect from skin cancer. They are a great number of creams and lotions containing Ester C on the market.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant agent and, like Vitamin C, it helps protect the skin from the damaging effect of ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin is a common ingredient in anti-aging and skin softening creams and lotions. Vitamin is also a classic home remedy for burns to use topically to prevent scarring.
Combination Creams
There are many great creams on the market with the number of choices rapidly increases and the research advances. Essential oils such as Helichrysum, Calendula, Rose, Sandalwood and Chamomile oils have anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects are common ingredients in these products. Herbal ingredients such as Sea Buckthorn, Comfrey, and Aloe are also popular as simple moisturizing ingredients, as well as to provide healing and and anticancer properties.