How to Prevent Malignant Melanoma
Insure you get enough Vitamin D by getting sun exposure in the middle of the day or taking a Vitamin D supplement. Studies indicate that lack of Vitamin D can contribute to the development of malignant melanoma.
Begin your exposure to midday sun gradually to avoid getting burned. Expose large areas of skin, not just your face and hands.
Use sunscreen only if you need it to avoid getting burned. Most commercial sunscreens contain harsh chemicals that may promote the development of malignant melanoma. Using a natural sunscreen made up of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.
Avoid prolonged sun exposure early or late in the day because the longer sun frequencies can act as a catalyst for the development of malignant melanoma. Use a natural sunscreen if you must.
Monitor your Vitamin D levels during the wintertime to make sure you’re getting enough by asking your doctor for blood tests. Have any unevenly shaped or multicolored moles checked by your doctor.