How to Reduce Skin Cancer Risk
Avoid prolonged exposure to ultra violet radiation. Exposing your skin UV radiation over time can make your skin darker, evident of damage to your epidermis. This damage can lead to skin cancer. UV radiation can come from direct sunlight, tanning beds, lasers and other sources. If you can't completely avoid UV radiation, put on sunscreen or take breaks from exposure if you're working in the sun a lot.
Avoid sunburns. Sunburns are product of too much UV radiation. They occur when the sun overheats the first and second layers of the skin resulting in a bright red or sometimes darkened area of the skin exposed to the radiation. This overheating can eventually lead to chronic skin irritation and later, cancer. If you are going to be in the sun for a prolonged period of time, try to hang out in areas where there is shade or if on the beach or water, take along an umbrella or some type of overhead protection from the heat.
Wear protective clothing. In the summer this may be uncomfortable, but shop your local summer apparel store and find shirts, pants, hats, etc. that fit loosely and can aerate your body making you feel more comfortable yet protecting you from the sun at the same time.
Wear sunscreen of SPF 50. When on the beach, working in the yard or doing any other type of outdoor activity most people shop by the brand of sunscreen rather than the SPF or sun protection factor. If you are going to be in the sun for a long time it is important that the sun protection factor of your sunscreen is at least 50. The higher the sun protection, the more effective the sunscreen will be in bouncing off UV rays, thus lessening your chances for skin damage and cancer.