How to Cope With Skin Cancer
Talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns you have. Bring a friend along to help you process all the information you're given.
Join a support group for patients with skin cancer. Other people with the same cancer can be a good support system and help you cope with your skin cancer diagnosis as they understand what you are going through and can relate to treatments, side effects and emotional issues you face. Ask your oncologist about support groups your hospital offer. Cancer Survivors Network offers online support groups of many types of cancers.
Be attentive to your needs. Listen to your body when you need rest, nutrition and other personal care requirements. Taking care of your physical needs helps you cope with your skin cancer.
Eat well by adding plant based foods to your diet and eat at least five colorful fruits and vegetables a day. Limit high fat foods and drink alcohol in moderation. With the right food you can feel and stay stronger, keep your weight on and lower your risk of infection, which is a important part in coping with cancer. Keep hydrated during treatments as well.
Remain positive while coping with your skin cancer and during treatments. Talk to someone about your feelings. Prepare yourself for the possible side of effects of treatment and how you'll overcome them.