How to Tan Safely
Calculate Skin Risk Factor
Check to see what color your skin is. The darker the pigment of your skin, the longer you can stay out in the sun without burning.
Determine if you live close to the equator. The closer you live to the equator, the better chance you have of getting burned.
Increase your altitude and you will increase the UV rays at 5 percent for every 1000 feet.
List any medications you might be taking, because many medications will cause your skin to burn instead of tan.
Exfoliate before attempting any tanning procedure for a more even and healthier looking tan.
Sunless Tanning
Take tanning pills that have passed the FDA regulations for a sunless tan. These pills will increase your melanin and cause your skin to get darker without harmful UV rays.
Stop by your local tanning salon and get an airbrush tan for a sunless tan. Benefits are that it's not messy, you receive a rich and dark tan every time customized to your skin type and best of all you are avoiding those harmful UV rays.
Purchase any of the many variety of sunless tanning solutions, lotions, gels, mousse, aerosols, and tan towels you can use for a sunless tan. There are many brands to choose from and again you can achieve a medium to dark tan without having to be exposed to harmful UV rays.
UV-Ray Tanning
Step outside only after applying adequate sunscreen. A minimum of SPF 10 is preferred per industry standards.
Go to a tanning salon and use a tanning bed for a healthier option than just going out in the sun. This will allow for maximum tanning in a shorter amount of time.
Only tan under UV conditions for a short amount of time to begin. This is usually about 10 to 15 minutes, but varies based on skin type.