How to Cope With a Terminal Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
- Oncologist
Ask your oncologist about participating in clinical study trials, which often use newer treatments at the cutting edge of cancer treatment.
Investigate various alternative treatment therapies using herbal remedies, vitamins, stress reduction techniques and even acupuncture. Always consult with your oncologist before proceeding, however, since some supplements may interfere with prescription medication.
Ask your doctor as many specific questions as you can about your condition, including the specific type of skin cancer you have, how far it has progressed, and what you can do to improve the way that you feel.
Find out about having your family screened for the same type of skin cancer.
Decide whether you want to seek counseling for the emotional and psychological side effects of the terminal diagnosis, or whether you want to try some of the prescription medications that can help you to cope with your condition.
Involve your friends and loved ones with planning out the remainder of your treatment options, and what to do after you are gone. Many people find that talking about everything lessens the shock of the diagnosis.
Remember that others have survived a terminal cancer diagnosis, and try your best to maintain a positive attitude.